Tile Roofs

Tile Roofs

We install and repair tile roofs in a variety of styles

If you are considering having a tile roof installed there are two different types of tile, standard (or heavyweight) tile and lightweight tile. Heavyweight tiles are made of clay and are more structurally sound than lightweight varieties but they can only be used if the support structure of the home can handle additional weight. Lightweight tiles are made from concrete. They maintain the high-end look of clay tiles while reducing the weight on the roof trusses and supports. They are suggested for most homes in Northern California because they exert less stress on the home during earthquakes but they require professional installation because one wrong step can cause them to crack. Lightweight tiles are also not colored all the way through so they will fade over time.

While tile roofs are one of the longest lasting and most sought after types, they aren’t maintenance free. If they are not maintained they can develop cracks and build up dirt and debris in joints. If the roof is situated under a tree, it will need to be regularly cleaned. Not brushing or washing leaves off from the roof will result in moss growth. All in all, tile roofs are one of the best roofing investments that a business or homeowner can make.